Starting my Journey as an Affiliate Marketer!!
Hi there! Here we are… starting a blog.
The beginnings of an affiliate marketer. What it may look like…
Guess what? I started my journey as an affiliate marketer just a few weeks ago! How exciting is that!? And somewhat scary also… As I was starting out, life happened! A very unexpected life changing event happened and it threw me back.
Guess what? Although I was slowed down, I kept going at a snail pace and now that life is somewhat back to normal; well it’s all out. I am learning a lot of new things along with new skills.
Guess what? It isn’t easy and it does get confusing and frustrating at times. However with perseverance, repetition and keeping an open mind, I know deep down in my heart that I will make it! Perseverance, hard work and consistency is key here.
Guess what? Focusing on what needs to be done, one thing at a time, rather than doing the million things out there that are not directly related to where I need and want to go. Believe me, there are a lot of “noise” that can keep me busy and distracted.
Guess what? I know more today than I did yesterday. I do have goals and dreams that I am working towards. One of them is to help people along my journey. So it may be you!
Hope to keep all of you posted as I continue on my path and share things with you! If you wish to follow me, please drop me a line in the contact section.